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Kirkegaardsv. 45
3616 Kongsberg, Norway
Postal Address
Kongsberg Innovation AS
P. O. Box 1027
3601 Kongsberg, Norway
Kongsberg Innovasjon and BI Norwegian Business School demand-driven scaleup programs that enable Norwegian tech-companies to scale internationally. We support your company through diverse programs, connect your business to international industrial projects and help you close business deals. Our scaling team cooperates with a large and global network of world leading institutions and innovation hubs in China, the U.S and Europe.
Our ecosystem mobilizes knowledge and skills from the core innovation hubs of the world to advance society and businesses. We strive to create a unique platform for global scaling of Norwegian technology in cooperation with world leading academic institutions, business incubators, clusters, and industry partners. We believe that working in collaboration with others, can open opportunities for stronger innovation, with increased potential for success.
Ocean Tech Scaling Program is a program that helps tech entrepreneurs and companies with high growth potential to scale their business globally.
GlobalScaleX is a growth camp for fast-growing technology companies who want to build capabilities to the next stage and keep on growing.
Norway is dependent on strengthening exports from established industries and building new ones. An overarching goal for Kongsberg Innovation is to prepare companies and the Norwegian economy for the future by creating new jobs in export-oriented knowledge industries.