Besøk oss
Kirkegårdsv. 45
3616 Kongsberg, Norway
Postal Address
Kongsberg Innovation AS
P. O. Box 1027
3601 Kongsberg, Norway
Kongsberg Innovasjon tilbyr en rekke tjenester som støtter ditt selskap med utvikling og vekst. Det som skiller oss fra andre forretningsinkubatorer er det tette samarbeidet med industri-eksperter. Vi benytter eksperter fra ledende høyteknologisk-industri for å skape vekst i ditt selskap.
Kongsberg Innovation offers a wide range of services that support your company with development and growth. What differentiate us from other business incubators is the close cooperation with industry experts. We utilize experts from leading high-tech industry to accelerate your business.
Kongsberg Innovation offers a wide range of services that support your company with development and growth. What differentiate us from other business incubators is the close cooperation with industry experts. We utilize experts from leading high-tech industry to accelerate your business.
Kongsberg Innovation offers a wide range of services that support your company with development and growth. What differentiate us from other business incubators is the close cooperation with industry experts. We utilize experts from leading high-tech industry to accelerate your business.